home about us contact us our day meals fees qualifications policies
Your specific rates will be outlined in your contract. Payment may be made by cheque, vouchers, Bacs or cash every week or month depending on terms of contract.

Hourly Rate - £3.00
Unsociable hours and weekends £4.00 per hour
Overnight Care provided – P.O.A
E.Y.E.- Up to 15 hours free per week (Term time only)
Parents /Guardian Holidays - full fee
Childminders illness/Occasional day off – No Fee
Statutory Public Holidays – Day Care Closed No Fee

Free early education

3 and 4 year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early education each week for 38 weeks of the year.
Your child becomes eligible from 1 September, 1 January or 1 April following their 3rd birthday.